General Art Information
When designing your own piece, this downloadable PDF will provide helpful information in preparing your file for printing.
Printing Industries of America
For the latest news and helpful tips, click this link and you’ll find an abundance of information.
Digital 101 - The Digital Design Center
Printing used to offer one choice, one way and usually, one result. But now, things are different. Today, digital printing is opening up whole new ways to connect and communicate. And that's good. Because communication should be about bringing us together, not driving us apart.
Rediscover Print
A printing blog that showcases the latest happenings in the world of print.
Choose Print
Information on the environmental impact of print
on paper.
Professional Bookshelf
Here you will find a comprehensive library of technical information, practical advice and innovative print and paper solutions. Whether you’re a designer, production manager, print buyer, paper merchant, printer or new to the world of paper altogether, this resource will help answer your questions and ensure that every project you run is a smashing success.
Fold Factory
Proper folding is critical to the success of your printed materials, so whether it’s a brochure, pamphlet or flyer, specialty or proprietary fold you’re looking for, foldfactory is your one-stop resource for all things folding. Take a look around our site and we think you’ll agree that folding is not just important, it’s awesome!

Preferred Graphics Programs
We utilize and prefer the most current printing industry-standard programs, all of which are included in Adobe CS: InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop and Acrobat for Macintosh or PC operating systems. These programs ensure the most successful project.